This is the fifth major revision of the specification. It is on its way from a loose collection of ideas to an Internet-Draft, and we plan to finish by the end of 1995. We encourage programmers and authors to start experimenting with style sheets. Comments can be sent to the mailing list, or directly to the authors. For background material, see the resource page on HTML style sheets. Last changed: November 1, 1995
HTML is a simple structural document format much used on the World-Wide Web. Web publishers commonly request more influence over the presentation of documents, and HTML is under constant pressure to add visual markup. Allowing publishers to attach style to documents will enhance the aesthetics of the web. Also, style enhances content: some publishers consciously choose colors and fonts based on the message they want to convey.
The web needs a mechanism that allows authors to influence the presentation while preserving the device-independence and document structure of HTML. There are four ways to do this: add new style elements to HTML, add new style attributes to existing HTML elements, resort to other formats (e.g. Postscript, PDF or GIF), or introduce style sheets. The first two alternatives will start a never-ending process of extending HTML to become a presentation language. Also, by not separating style and content they make it hard to apply different styles to the same content. The third alternative offers publishers more control by using presentation-oriented format. Sometimes control is important, but most requests for stylistic influence over text can be satisfied without leaving HTML. We think the fourth alternative, style sheets, is the best way to add style to the web.
Style sheets are very similar to the "templates" of desktop publishing applications. A simple style sheet might suggest that the headlines of a document are rendered in blue on a white background. By attaching style (color) to the structure of a document (headlines), style sheets ensure device-independence and the preservation of document structure. A style sheet can be stored separately from the document it applies to, and it is easy to change the presentation of a document by applying a different style sheet. Also, one style sheet can be applied to many documents.
HTML is an application of SGML [SGML], and the style sheet mechanism described in this specification is intentionally general enough to apply to any SGML DTD. For reasons of simplicity, all examples apply to HTML. The proposed style sheet mechanism has been developed in conjunction with HTML3 and closely matches its design guidelines.
While style sheets will open for publishers to add style to their
documents, the reader should also be able to influence the
presentation. Sometimes the output device on the reader's side needs
special consideration (helvetica looks terrible on this
), sometimes personal handicaps requires special
consideration (12 pt helvetica? I haven't been able to read that
since I turned 80!
), and readers may have their own aesthetical
preferences (helvetica looks terrible on any
). This proposal is called Cascading Style Sheets
(CSS) for its ability to combine several style sheets from both
readers and authors.
H1 { color: blue }The example consists of two main parts: selector (H1) and declaration (color: blue). The declaration has two parts, property (color) and value (blue). While the example above only tries to influence a small fraction of the properties needed for rendering an HTML document, it qualifies as a style sheet on its own. One of the fundamental features of CSS is that partial style sheets are combined into complete ones.
The selector is the glue between the HTML document and the style, and all HTML elements are possible selectors. HTML elements are defined in the HTML specifications, and the CSS specification only defines a syntax for how to address them. Also, the list of properties and values are defined in this specification.
In order for the style sheet to influence the presentation, the user agent (UA, often a "web browser" or "web client") must be aware of its existence. It is beyond this specification to define how HTML documents should link to style sheets. Also, CSS is not limited to HTML, but general to SGML. The example below is according to the HTML3 specification and the implemention in Arena, W3C's experimental browser.
<HEAD> <TITLE>Title</TITLE> <LINK REL=STYLESHEET HREF="" TITLE="Bill's own style"> <STYLE NOTATION=CSS> H1 { color: blue } </STYLE> </HEAD>The LINK element references an external style sheet, while the proposed STYLE element has a style sheet as content.
By declaring the NOTATION, the STYLE element can be used for other style sheet notations as well. For LINKed style sheets, the HTTP Content-Type field will declare the notation. The TITLE attribute assigns a name to a style sheet for user interaction purposes.
Typically, an organization-wide style sheet will reside in one location and be referenced through a LINK. The author may add document-specific style in the STYLE element. If conflicts arise, the rules inside STYLE will override those referenced through LINK.
A document can contain several LINK and several STYLE elements. The reader should be able to choose between several style sheets, e.g. through a pull-down menu with the names of all listed style sheets. STYLE elements without their own TITLE attribute are combined with the preceding titled style sheet following the normal cascading rules. If no preceding titled style sheet exists, the UA should assign a title to the style sheet and treat it as any other titled style sheet. If two style sheets have the same title, they should be combined using the normal rules for cascading.
CSS rules can possibly also be included in HTML attributes:
<H1 STYLE="font-family: helvetica">Headline</A> <P STYLE="font: 12pt helvetica bold">Paragraph</A>
H1, H2, H3 { font-family: helvetica }Similarly, declarations can be grouped:
H1 { font-size: 12pt, font-leading: 2pt, font-family: helvetica, font-weight: bold, font-style: normal }In addition, some properties have their own grouping syntax:
H1 { font: 12pt/14pt helvetica bold normal }which is equivalent to the previous example.
<H1>The headline <EM>is</EM> important!</H1>Since no color has been assigned to EM, the emphasized "is" will inherit the color of the surrounding element, i.e. it will also appear in blue. Other style properties are likewise inherited, e.g. font family and size.
Inheritance starts at the oldest ancestor, i.e. the top-level element. In HTML, this is is the "HTML" element (although many HTML authors omit this tag). In order to set a "default" style property, you should use "HTML" as selector:
HTML: color: dark-blue
Alternatively, the top-level element can be addressed as "*", e.g.:
* { color: dark-blue }
The use of "*" to represent the top-level element is a CSS shorthand notation that is not limited to HTML.
Some style properties are not inherited from the parent to the child. In most cases, it is intuitive why this is not the case. E.g., the background property does not inherit. However, the parent element's background will shine through by default since the initial value is transparent.
<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Title</TITLE> <STYLE NOTATION=CSS> H1.punk { color: #00FF00 } </STYLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <H1 CLASS: punk>Way too green</H1> </BODY> </HTML>
Classes can also be selectors independent of HTML elements:
<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Title</TITLE> <STYLE NOTATION=CSS> punk { color: green } </STYLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <H1 CLASS = punk>Way too green headline</H1> <P CLASS = punk>Way too green paragraph</H1> </BODY> </HTML>One interesting use of this feature is to introduce new elements without writing new style rules:
<par class=p>This is a <emph class=em>PAR</emph>, which looks like a <tag class=strong>P</tag>, because it is declared as being of of the same class.</par>
H1 { color: blue } EM { color: light-blue }When this style sheet is in effect, all emphasized sections, within or outside H1 will turn light-blue. Probably, you only wanted EMs within H1 to turn light-blue. You can specify this with:
(H1) EM { color: light-blue }The selector is now a search pattern. Only the last element of the search pattern is addressed (in this case the EM element), and only so if the search pattern matches. In the example above, the search pattern matches if EM is a descendant of H1, i.e. if EM is inside an H1 element.
(LI) (LI) P { font-size: small } (LI) (LI) (LI) P { font-size: x-small }Here, the first selector matches P elements with at least two LI ancestors. The second selector matches a subset of the first matches, i.e. P elements with at least three LI ancestors. The conflict is resolved by the second selector being more specific (due to the longer search pattern).
Search patterns can contain elements and/or classes:
(P.reddish) punk { color: red }This selector matches all elements with subclass "punk" and an ancestor of element P and subclass "reddish".
Textual comments in a CSS style sheet start and end with two dashes:
EM { color: red } -- red, really red!! --
The CSS specification defines a list of style properties that a style sheet can influence. The goal is to be able to describe typography at the level of common desktop publishing. The following example, which includes a drop-cap initial and small-caps text, suggests the bounds of current properties:
<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Title</TITLE> <STYLE NOTATION=CSS> P { text-effect: drop-cap, font-size: 12pt, alt-font-size: 24pt -- assuming leading is zero -- } EM { font-style: small-caps } </STYLE </HEAD> <BODY> <P><EM>The first</EM> few words of an article in The Economist.. </BODY> </HTML>If an ASCII-based UA supports these properties (we do not expect them to), the above could be formatted as:
___ | HE FIRST few words |of an article in the Economist..The example shows the need for a new generic character-level element in HTML which doesn't bring with it any rendering conventions. We suggest adding a short HTML tag (e.g. "C") for this, but the definition is outside the scope of this specification.
@import "" H1 { color: red } -- override imported sheet --
The @import .. statement is semantically equal to a <LINK REL=StyleSheet href= .. >. In case of a conflict, the imported style sheet has lower weight than the one from where it is being imported.
Typically, UAs will assume that the style sheets of your initial page (if it finds any) is your personal favorite, and apply them to all subsequent documents. If subsequent documents have their own style sheets, conflicts may arise. Conflict resolution is based on each style declaration having a weight. By default, the weights of the reader's declarations is less that the weights of declarations in incoming documents. I.e., if there are conflicts between the style sheets of an incoming document and the reader's personal sheets, the incoming declarations will be used.
Style sheet designers can increase the weights of their declarations:
H1 { color: red ! important } P { font-size: 12pt ! legal "IATA regulations" }The ! legal .. construct is used if there are legal reasons behind the declaration, and the trailing string is a short reference to the statutes. "Important" and "legal" declarations have the same weight.
An important (or legal) reader declaration will override an incoming declaration with normal weight. An important (or legal) incoming declaration will override an important (or legal) reader declaration. A complete description of the cascading order can be found later in this specification.
The reference to the statutes should be displayed to the reader as a warning when the UA is not able to honor a legal declaration. The reader should acknowledge the warning with an action, e.g. a mouse click. Situations where the warning should be displayed include: { color: red } -- unvisited link -- A.visited { color: blue } -- visited links -- { color: orange } -- active links --
[ID="z098y"] { font-size = xx-large }In level 2, any attribute can be a selctor using the same notation. ID is a an exception that is also allowed in level 1.
The following example with pseudo-constants shows how margins and box-offsets format:
<STYLE NOTATION=CSS> UL { background: red, margin: A B C D, -- let's pretend we have constants in CSS -- box-offset: E F G H -- " -- } LI { background: blue, color: white, -- so text is white on blue -- margin: a b c d, -- let's pretend we have constants in CSS -- box-offset: e f g h -- " -- } </STYLE> <UL> <LI>1st element of list <LI>2nd element of list </UL>
________________________________________________________ | | | A UL margin (transparent) | | _______________________________________________ | | D | | B | | | E UL box-offset (red) | | | | _______________________________________ | | | | H | | F | | | | | a LI margin (transparent, | | | | | | so red shines through) | | | | | | _______________________________ | | | | | | d | | b | | | | | | | e LI box-offset (blue) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | h 1st element of list f | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | g | | | | | | | |_______________________________| | | | | | | | | | | | | max(a, c) | | | | | | | | | | | | _______________________________ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | d | e LI box-offset (blue) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | h 2nd element of list f | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | g | | | | | | | |_______________________________| | | | | | | | | | | | | c LI margin (transparent, | | | | | | so red shines through) | | | | | |_______________________________________| | | | | | | | | G | | | |_______________________________________________| | | | | C | |________________________________________________________|
Technically, box-offset and margin properties are not inherited. But, as the example shows, the placement of a rendered element is relative to ancestors and siblings.
Horizontally, boxes inherit the width of the parent element (i.e. after the margin and box-offset have been deducted).
Vertically, all boxes are attached to the above box. Note that the above box doesn't necessarily contain the preceding HTML element. Since boxes are stacked vertically, some interesting effects can be achieved if sequential boxes don't end up on top of each other. In this way, "sideheads" and simple multiple-column layouts can be supported:
_______________________________________________ | | | (BODY margins & box) | | ______________ _____________________ | | | |;;;;;;| | | | | (H1 box) |;;;;;;| (P box) | | | | |;;;;;;| | | | | Headline... |;;;;;;| While.the.paragraph | | | | |;;;;;;| | | | |______________|;;;;;;| continues.below.the | | | ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;| | | | ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;|_____________________| | | ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; | |_______________________________________________| ^ ^ ^ ^ 0% 35% 50% 100%The above could be realized through:
H1 { margin-left: 0%, margin-right: 65% -- (100% minus 35%) -- } P { margin-left: 50%, margin-right: 0% }The percentages are relative to the width of the parent element.
Style sheets influence the presentation of documents by assigning values to style properties. This section lists the suggested style properties, and their corresponding units, of CSS level 1.
The list of level 1 properties has been kept to a to a minimum, while making sure commonly used styles can be expressed. Depending on the formatting model and the resources available, some properties can prove hard to incorporate into existing UA implementations (e.g. text-effect, text-style and break), and can be considered optional. [strengthen definition]
Also, an ASCII-based UA in a monochrome environment is not able to honor color values, but may try to lay out elements based on the style sheet properties.
This specification suggests a liberal terminology for describing fonts, and a level of detail similar to common desktop publishing applications.
Font sizes can either be set to an absolute height using "font-size", or to a relative index using "font-size-index". If defined, "font-size" will take precedence.
If the value is an integer number, it is to be interpreted as an index. Index 0 corresponds to "medium" (the actual size is application dependent and/or set-able by the user). A scaling factor of 1.44 is suggested between adjacent indexes, e.g. if the "medium" font is 10pt, the "large" font should be 12pt. (Perhaps a bigger scaling factor?). If the number is a floating point, the UA should interpolate a font size if possible. Otherwise, it should round off to the closest integer index.
Percentage is relative to the font-size of the parent element.
Note that an application may reinterpret an explicit size, depending on the context. E.g., inside a VR scene a font may get a different size because of perspective distortion.
The value is a prioritized list of font family names and/or generic family names. List items are separated by white space and spaces in font family names are replaced with dashes.
In level 1, the following generic families are defined:
Style sheet writers are encouraged to offer a generic font family at the end of the list:
font-family: univers helvetica sans-serifIdeally, the style sheet writer should specify only one font, and the font manager should return the best alternative (perhaps by taking visual similarity, visual quality and performance into account). Unfortunately, current rendering environments do not offer this level of service, and it is beyond the style sheet mechanism to do so. Therefore, a prioritized list of alternative families can be supplied. This practice poses one problem: the UA must be able to determine if a font selection has been successful or not to know how far it should proceed in the list. One example: if the style sheet asks for "univers" and the window system is smart enough to suggest "helvetica" (which looks almost identical) as a replacement, is this a success or failure? This specification leaves the answer undefined for now.
Where extra-light = -3, light = -2, demi-light = -1, etc.
If the desired font weight is not available, the UA selects a substitution order. Non-integer font weights are allowed.
If the preferred font style cannot be accomplished, the following substitutions should be attempted by the UA:
italic -> oblique oblique -> italic * -> normal
If "small-caps" are not available, capitals letter of a smaller font size can be used to render small characters if the resolution of the output medium is appropriate for this.
Leading refers to the extra space between lines. A percentage unit is relative to the font size. E.g.:
P { font-leading: 20%, font-size: 10pt }Here, the leading would be 2pt.
This is a conventional shorthand notation from the typography community to set font-size, font-leading, font-family, font-style, and font-weight. Setting the properties individually override the shorthand notation if the weight is otherwise the same.
Note that it is the line height, not the leading, that is specified. The relationship is: line-height = font-size + font-leading.
See the section on units for a description.
This property does not inherit, but unless set explicitly the parent's background will shine through due to the initial transparent value.
If an image is found through the URI, it takes precedence over color. The color is used:
This property how the background image is laid out. By default, the background image is repeated in both x and y direction, and the image is scrolled along with the other content.
Default text spacing is 0%. The UA is free to select text spacing algorithm.
The list of possibilities may be kept short in a first version, it can always be extended later. Formatters should treat unknown values as `box' (a simple rectangle).
The color of the decoration is based on the color of the text.
"capitalize" uppercases the first character of each word.
"none" is used to neutralize an inherited value.
All text effects are rendered using the alternate properties.
Some typographic styles require an alternate set of properties to be rendered. In level 1, this is the case for text-effect where the initial letter of the initial-cap and drop-cap values, as well as the first line of alt-firstline. In level 2 they will also be used for labels and inserted text before/after the element.
The following properties influence the "alternate" rendering:
alt-font alt-font-family alt-font-size alt-font-leading alt-font-weight alt-font-style alt-color alt-background alt-text-spacing alt-text-decoration alt-text-position alt-text-transform
How much space to insert between the border of the box and the content (e.g. text or image). See the formatting model for more on these properties.
Percentage values are relative to the width of the parent element.
The order is top, right, bottom, left. If there is only one, it applies to all sides, if there are two or three, the missing widths are taken from the opposite side.
The property is shorthand for setting "box-offset-top", "box-offset-right" "box-offset-bottom" and "box-offset-left" separately. The individual declarations take precedence if the weights are otherwise equal.
Percentage values are relative to the width of the parent element.
The minimal horizontal distance between the element's box and surrounding elements.
Horizontal margins may be negative.
See the formatting model for a description of the relationsship between these properties and "width".
Percentage values are relative to the width of the parent element.
[Should we also be able to do margins relative to the width of the current element?]
The vertical space between two blocks of text is the maximum of all bottom margin and top margin specifications between the two. See the formatting model for an example.
Percentage values are relative to the width of the parent element. [rationale]
Vertical margins must be positive.
The four lengths apply to top, right, bottom and left respectively. If there's only one, it applies to all sides, if there are two or three, the missing lengths are taken from the opposite side.
The property is shorthand for setting "margin-top", "margin-right" "margin-bottom" and "margin-left" separately. The individual declarations take precedence if the weights are otherwise equal.
This property decides if an element is block-level (e.g. H1 in HTML) or inline (e.g. EM in HTML). For HTML documents, the initial value will be taken from the HTML specification.
This property is not inherited.
This property describes how text is aligned. It applies only to elements that have a break before them.
This property is not inherited.
Extra indent to apply to the first line only. May be negative (`outdent'). Only applies if the element starts a paragraph (either because it implies a break itself, or because it happens to follow a break.) An indent is not inserted in the middle of an element that was broken by another (such as BR in HTML).
Percentage values are relative to the width of the parent element.
This property can be applied to text, but it is most useful with inline images and similar insertions. The width is to be enforced by scaling the image if necessary. When scaling, the aspect ration of the image should be preserved (unless the height, a level 2 property, is declared non-auto).
Percentage values are relative to the width of the parent element.
See the formatting model for a description of the relationsship between this property and "margin-left" and "margin-right".
Numbers can be from -2 to 2, corresponding, respectively, to the keywords. All "pagebreak-before" and "pagebreak-after" values that apply between two elements are combined according to the following table:
|-2 -1 0 1 2 --+-------------- -2|-2 -2 -2 -2 2 -1|-2 -1 -1 1 2 0|-2 -1 0 1 2 1|-2 1 1 1 2 2| 2 2 2 2 2In algorithmic terms: take the one with the largest absolute value; if they are the same, use the positive value.
Values can be -2, -1 or 0 meaning, respectively, never allow page-break inside element ("never"), discourage page-break inside element ("discourage"), or neutral about page-break inside element ("neutral").
inches (in) pixels (px) centimeters (cm) millimeters (mm) ems (em) -- the width of the character 'M' -- ens (en) -- half the width of an em -- points (pt) characters (ch) -- should be dropped in favor of ems? -- picas (pc)
In most cases, a percentage unit is relative to a length unit. text-spacing is an example of a property that is not relative to a lenght unit.
A color is a either a color name, 3-tuple or a hex-color. A short list of supported color names should be added, e.g., black, white, red, green, blue, yellow, cyan, magenta, pink, brown, gray, orange, purple, turquoise, violet. Also, prefixing color names with "light-" or "dark-" is allowed, e.g. "light-blue" and "dark-gray".
The RGB color model is being used in color specifications. Other color models should be kept in mind for later extensions.
Different ways to specify red:
EM { color: #F00 } EM { color: #FF0000 } EM { color: 255 0 0 } -- integer range: 0-255 -- EM { color: 1.0 0.0 0.0 } -- float range: 0.0 - 1.0 -- EM { color: red }
A Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) should be enclosed in quotes:
BODY { background: "" }Partial URIs are interpreted relative to the source of the style sheet, not relative to the document.
Conflicting rules are intrinsic to the CSS mechanism, and should be resolved in the following manner:
"*" < "LI" < "(UL) (OL) LI" < "(UL) (OL)".
The search for the property value can be terminated whenever one rule has a higher weight than the other rules who apply to the same element.
This strategy gives incoming style sheets considerably higher weight than those of the reader. It is therefore important that the reader has the ability to turn off the influence of style sheets, e.g. through a pull-down menu.
Some terms may have spellings in different traditions. The following aliases should be accepted:
color : colour italic : italics
%expect 2 /* There are two shift/reduce conflicts in more_terms, because op can be empty */ %token IMPORT DEFINE ARCHFORM IMPORTANT LEGAL %token INTERPOLATEHI INTERPOLATELO PLUS_EQ MINUS_EQ STAR_EQ SLASH_EQ %token STRING HEXCOLOR %token IDENT ENVVAR %token NUMBER LENGTH EMS NCHARS PERCENTAGE %% stylesheet : imports defs rules ; imports : imports IMPORT url | /* empty */ ; url : STRING ; defs : defs constant_def | defs archform_def | /* empty */ ; constant_def : DEFINE unique_id '=' value ';' ; unique_id : IDENT ; archform_def : ARCHFORM attrname ; attrname : IDENT ; rules : rule_seq media_rules ; media_rules : media_rules medium rule_seq | /* empty */ ; medium : ':' IDENT other_media ':' ; other_media : other_media '&' IDENT | /* empty */ ; rule_seq : rule_seq rule | /* empty */ ; rule : selector_seq '{' declaration_seq '}' ; selector_seq : selector_seq ',' selector | selector ; selector : toplevel | ancestors predecessor_opt elemspec ; toplevel : '*' ; ancestors : ancestors predecessor_opt ancestor | /* empty */ ; ancestor : '(' elemspec ')' ; predecessor_opt : predecessor | /* empty */ ; predecessor : '/' elemname '/' ; elemname : IDENT | IDENT '.' IDENT ; elemspec : elemname attrspec_seq | attrspec_seq ; attrspec_seq : attrspec_seq attrspec | /* empty */ ; attrspec : '[' attrname constval_opt ']' ; constval_opt : '=' constval | /* empty */ ; constval : NUMBER | STRING | IDENT ; declaration_seq : declaration_seq ',' declaration | declaration ; declaration : property ':' value priority_opt | property op_eq value priority_opt ; priority_opt : IMPORTANT | LEGAL STRING | /* empty */ ; property : IDENT ; /* * Operator precedence: high to low * 5: + - (monadic plus, monadic minus) * 4: * / % (multiply, divide, remainder) * 3: + - (plus, minus) * 2: << >> (interpolate low, interpolate high) * 1: ([=space] concatenate) */ value : value1 value | value1 ; value1 : value2 INTERPOLATELO value1 | value2 INTERPOLATEHI value1 | value2 ; value2 : value3 '+' value2 | value3 '-' value2 | value3 ; value3 : value4 '*' value3 | value4 '/' value3 | value4 '%' value3 | value4 ; value4 : '+' term | '-' term | term ; term : LENGTH | EMS | NCHARS | STRING | HEXCOLOR | NUMBER | PERCENTAGE | IDENT | attref | envref | '(' value ')' ; attref : '[' attrname ']' ; envref : ENVVAR ; op_eq : PLUS_EQ | MINUS_EQ | STAR_EQ | SLASH_EQ ;
%{ #include "" #include "constants.h" /* The constants include definitions similar to the following: #define WEEK (7 * DAY) #define DAY (24 * HOUR) #define HOUR (60 * MINUTE) #define MINUTE (60 * SECOND) #define SECOND 1 #define INCH (25.4 * MM) #define CM (10 * MM) #define MM 1 #define PICA (12 * INCH/72 * MM) #define POINT (INCH/72 * MM) */ %} %a 3000 %o 4000 urlchar [a-zA-Z0-9:/_%~!@#$?*+{};.,|=`'-] d [0-9] notnm [^a-zA-Z0-9-] nmchar [a-zA-Z0-9-]|\\\. nmstrt [a-zA-Z] w [ \t\n]* num {d}+|{d}*\.{d}+ h [0-9a-fA-F] hexcolor #{h}{h}{h}|#{h}{h}{h}{h}{h}{h}|#{h}{h}{h}{h}{h}{h}{h}{h}{h} ident {nmstrt}{nmchar}* %x COMMENT %% "--" {BEGIN(COMMENT);} <COMMENT>"--" {BEGIN(INITIAL);} <COMMENT>\n {/* ignore */} <COMMENT>. {/* ignore */} @import return IMPORT; @archform return ARCHFORM; @define return DEFINE; "!"{w}legal {return LEGAL;} "!"{w}important {return IMPORTANT;} "$"{ident} {return ENVVAR;} {hexcolor} {return HEXCOLOR;} {ident} {return IDENT;} \"[^"\n]*\" | \'[^'\n]*\' {yylval.str = noquotes(yytext); return STRING;} {num} {yylval.num = atof(yytext); return NUMBER;} {num}{w}"%" {yylval.num = atof(yytext); return PERCENTAGE;} {num}{w}pt/{notnm} {yylval.num = atof(yytext) * POINT; return LENGTH;} {num}{w}mm/{notnm} {yylval.num = atof(yytext); return LENGTH;} {num}{w}cm/{notnm} {yylval.num = atof(yytext) * CM; return LENGTH;} {num}{w}pc/{notnm} {yylval.num = atof(yytext) * PICA; return LENGTH;} {num}{w}inch/{notnm} {yylval.num = atof(yytext) * INCH; return LENGTH;} {num}{w}px/{notnm} {yylval.num = atof(yytext) * pixelwd; return LENGTH;} {num}{w}em/{notnm} {yylval.num = atof(yytext); return EMS;} {num}{w}ch/{notnm} {yylval.num = atof(yytext); return NCHARS;} {num}{w}d/{notnm} | {num}{w}day/{notnm} | {num}{w}days/{notnm} {yylval.num = atof(yytext) * DAY; return NUMBER;} {num}{w}w/{notnm} | {num}{w}week/{notnm} | {num}{w}weeks/{notnm} {yylval.num = atof(yytext) * WEEK; return NUMBER;} {num}{w}h/{notnm} | {num}{w}hour/{notnm} | {num}{w}hours/{notnm} {yylval.num = atof(yytext) * HOUR; return NUMBER;} {num}{w}m/{notnm} | {num}{w}min/{notnm} | {num}{w}minute/{notnm} | {num}{w}minutes/{notnm} {yylval.num = atof(yytext) * MINUTE; return NUMBER;} {num}{w}s/{notnm} | {num}{w}sec/{notnm} | {num}{w}second/{notnm} | {num}{w}seconds/{notnm} {yylval.num = atof(yytext) * SECOND; return NUMBER;} "<<" return INTERPOLATELO; ">>" return INTERPOLATEHI; "+:" return PLUS_EQ; "-:" return MINUS_EQ; "*:" return STAR_EQ; "/:" return SLASH_EQ; ":" return ':'; "." return '.'; "/" return '/'; "*" return '*'; "+" return '+'; "-" return '-'; "=" return '='; "(" return '('; ")" return ')'; "{" return '{'; "}" return '}'; "[" return '['; "]" return ']'; ";" return ';'; "&" return '&'; "," return ','; [ \t]+ {/* ignore whitespace */} \n {/* ignore whitespace */} . {yyerror("Illegal character");}
During the short life of HTML, there have been several style sheet proposals to which this proposal is indebted. The following people's proposals have been influential:
A[HREF] { color: red } -- the HREF attribute exists -- H1[CLASS = huge] { font-size: 60pt } -- another way of writing H1.huge --
Level 1 contains functionality for addressing elements based on its ancestors. In level 2, one can also address based on siblings. A typical example is making the first paragraph after a headline bold:
/H1/ P { font-weight: bold }The '/' indicates the start of a sequential pattern search. All property declarations are performed on the last element of the search pattern.
Combined with the hierarchical search patterns, one has powerful context-sensitive addressing:
H1 -- every H1 H1, H2 -- every H1 and every H2 (H1) EM -- EM inside H1 (DIV) (H1) EM -- EM inside H1 inside DIV /H1/ P -- P that immediately follows H1 (DIV) /H1/ P -- P that immed. follows H1 inside DIV (DIV) /H1/ (P) EM -- EM inside P that immed. follows H1 inside DIV // P -- P that follows nothing (i.e., P that is 1st child) (DIV[CLASS=CHAP]) P -- P inside DIV with CLASS=CHAPNote that the last example could have been written (DIV.chap) P.
Could one come up with a simple set of binary conditions to describe an output medium. How about:
:hires & color & bitmap: H1 { font-size: 4 } :paper: H1 { font-size: 24pt } :overhead: h1 { font-size: 60pt }
The following environment variables are available for use in style sheets:
a[href] { color: dark-red << $LASTVISIT/30d >> dark-blue }The combination of constraints and environment variables can be quite interesting. Set the left margin to be 1/10 of the window width, but always more than 2em and less than 20em:
* { margin-left: 2em << $WIDTH/10 >> 20em }Let the color of the background fade from white to yellow as the document ages. After two days (2d), the fading process is complete:
* { background: white << $AGE/2d >> yellow }Let the color of text links change from red to blue as the document loads:
* { text-link: red << $FETCHED >> blue }
While the main focus of this specification is to define a standard for attaching style to HTML, the users' WWW browsing environment has additional elements. Applications have a user interface, they show you the HTML source on request, and GUI clients have a window size. While one normally would leave user preferences to the application and a configuration file, the notion of cascading style sheets has the potential of addressing all issues of style through one interface. The user's personal style sheet can be used to set the fonts of the browser buttons as well as incoming documents' H1 elements. Authors should be careful when trying to influence environment properties, and clients could choose to ignore them.
It is important to syntactically mark the difference between style properties of the environment and HTML elements. One should be careful when picking names. Here are some possibilities:
$HTML-SOURCE { font-family: courier, font-size: 12pt } $CLIENT-WINDOW { width: 600px, height: 800px } $CLIENT-WINDOW { font-family: helvetica } $HTML_ERROR { color: yellow, background: red }An initial '$' marks environment elements.
@define myred = 0.8, 0.1, 0.1
[Should one define a lexical macro, as in C, or a symbolic constant, as in Pascal?]
[What if "myred" has different definitions in various style sheets?]
Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are supported.
h2 { font-size: h1[font-size] * 0.8 } P { font-size:[font-size] - 12 pt }Instead, one may rephrase expressions in terms of either the inherited property or a symbolic constant. In either case, no special syntax is required:
font-size: font-size - 12pt -- relative to inherited size color: myred -- relative to constant
This property is not inherited. If UL has a border around it, you don't want each LI inside to inherit this border.
Additional possibilities include: single, double, thin-thick, thick-thin, dotted, wavy, baroque, filet, art-deco.
[Perhaps `border' should be changed to `box', because of the proposed box-background (see below) and because it is shorter. Disadvantage is that box-width sounds less natural. I believe both are equally accepted terms in the printing industry.]
A width is either a length or one of the keywords `thin', `medium' or `thick'. The four widths apply to top, right, bottom and left respectively. If there's only one, it applies to all sides, if there are two or three, the missing widths are taken from the opposite side.
The box is drawn inside the space set by the margins.
URL must point to an image, which is tiled around the border.
A new one. I thought that maybe it wasn't such a good idea to let background do double duty. If this is accepted, then border-style `none' means: neither border nor background.
How to display the content. The display-type can be:
Paged and scrolling media should interpret these as best they can, e.g., note could become a footnote.
The string after the keyword is a hint for the label of the button (if any). It follows the syntax of insert-before, so that "note map" causes an button to be inserted with the map entity from the WWW icons.
Replace the element with a rectangle that contains the document that the URL points to. Usually applied to inline images (IMG or FIG).
Only applies to inline images and other insertions.
For images, the width is to be enforced by scaling the image if necessary.
Uses alternate properties. Note that the string can be an expression:
insert-before: caution " class = " {CLASS} 1em
This is a concatenation of a symbol entity `caution', a string, an attribute value and 1em of whitespace.
The concatenation operator is implicit. Keywords in the expression can be either entity names (ISO character entities or WWW symbol entities), properties of type length (such as margin-left), or other properties. Entities are replaced by their symbol, lengths are replaced by that amount of horizontal whitespace, non-length properties are converted to a string. Sub-expressions of type length are evaluated and converted to that amount of whitespace.
* { numbering: on | off } * { number-style: arabic | lower-roman | upper-roman | lower-alpha | upper-alpha } * { number-inherit: on|off }
[Needs some work, level 2 issue?]