This property determines whether normal, relative or absolute positioning methods
are used to render the current element box.
Allowed Values
[CSS2] [N6|O4]
Type: Explicit
Explicitly sets the value of this property to that of the parent.
Type: Explicit
This is the default positioning scheme, where elements are rendered in order, as
they appear in the document flow. The 'top', 'left', 'right' and 'bottom' properties
have no effect if this value is set.
Type: Explicit
The element's normal document flow position is calculated as if the element
had a 'position' value of 'static'. It is then offset from this position
according to the 'top' and 'left' properties. Any elements that come after this
element will be laid out as if the element had not been offset (a phantom
height and width for the element is reserved in the normal document flow.)
Type: Explicit
This specifies that the element box be absolutely positioned using the
'top', 'left', 'right' and 'bottom' properties. These values use the element
box's containing block as origin. Absolutely positioned elements do
NOT exist in the normal document flow like relatively positioned
elements are - elements that follow will flow as if the absolutely positioned
element does not exist.
[CSS2] [N6.1|O4]
Type: Explicit
This value behaves like 'absolute' in all respects, but additionally, the positioned
element box is fixed with respect to a reference point. In scrolling media, it is in
reference to some fixed point on the screen; in paged media (printing) it will be in
reference to a point on the page. The positioned element will not move with
respect to that stationary point (eg, it will not moved when, say, the screen is
CSS2 recommends that if the value of 'fixed' is used, it should be specified on
a case-by-case basis depending on the media.
Page-breaks may not occur inside boxes that are absolutely positioned.
Before its inclusion in CSS2, this property was first proposed in the W3C
Working Draft "Positioning HTML Elements with Cascading Style Sheets" (8/19/97,
Browser Peculiarities
Internet Explorer
- Absolute positioning applied to hyperlinks does not position
the element, and the hyperlink is unusable.
- Absolute positioning does not work for inline elements,
list structures OL/UL/DL, LI/DT/DD and table cells. (In IE5 it
works for these elements.)
- Relative positioning does not apply to table cells (TH/TD.)
- The 'top' and 'left' properties must also be specified if
Absolute positioning is used. Otherwise, element placement
may overlap content in unpredictable ways.
- Relative positioning does not apply to LI/DT/DD, form fields,
IMG, TABLE or table cells (TH/TD.)
- Absolute positioning does not apply to LI/DT/DD, or form fields.
- Applying Absolute positioning to the TABLE element strips all
the text content out of the table and serializes it, rendering
it at the specified position with no formatting.
- Applying this "position: absolute" to hyperlink elements
positions the element, but the hyperlink is unusable. If "position:
relative" is used, the active/clickable area is the region where
the hyperlink would have been displayed if the "relative" value
had not been assigned.
- Absolute positioning values are computed relative to the BODY
element, not an element's parent element.
- The 'top' and 'left' properties must also be specified if
Absolute positioning is used. Otherwise, element placement
may overlap content in unpredictable ways.
- Absolute positioning does not appear to apply directly to
IMG elements.
- Absolute positioning appears to cause random rendering bugs.
In my test page with dozens of positioned elements,
positioned elements may or may not appear (it seems random)
upon refresh.
- Form elements are always rendered on top of absolutely or
relatively positioned elements, regardless of where they are
located in the document tree or any 'z-index' value specified.
- If a form field is contained within an element that is
absolutely or relatively positioned, it disappears.
- If a relative or absolutely positioned element is nested
inside another relative or absolutely positioned element, any
further application of CSS is broken - no properties will be applied.