Floating elements are elements whose rendering boxes are shifted to
the left or right side of the current line. Content boxes that follow
are rendered along the side of the floated element; down the right
side of elements floated to the left, and down the left side of elements
floated to the right. This property controls this floating behavior,
specifying an element float to the left, right, or not at all.
For correct rendering, a floated element needs to have an intrinsic
or assigned 'width' value.
Allowed Values
[CSS2] [N6|O7]
Type: Explicit
Explicitly sets the value of this property to that of the parent.
Type: Explicit
The element box is not floated.
Type: Explicit
The current element box will be floated to the left. Subsequent content
flows around it to the right, starting at the top of the element box
If this value is given, the 'display' property for the current element
is ignored, unless it has the value 'none'.
Type: Explicit
The current element box will be floated to the right. Subsequent content
flows around it to the left, starting at the top of the element box
If this value is given, the 'display' property for the current element
is ignored, unless it has the value 'none'.
Ext/Doc: img.test {
float: left }
In-Line: <imgSRC="image.gif"
left">This is text following the image. It floats on the right.
If there isn't enough room on a line horizontally, a float will be
shifted downward, line by line, until a line has enough room.
Float element overlap -
Inline boxes: content, background, and borders of the inline box should
be rendered in front of the float.
Block boxes: background and borders of the block box should be rendered
behind the float (but visible for portions of the floated element that
are transparent.) The content of the block box should be rendered in
front of the float.
Browser Peculiarities
Internet Explorer
- This property does not apply to inline elements, list structures
(UL/OL/DL), list items (LI/DT/DD), TABLE or table cells (TH/TD.)
- Macintosh - Reported Elsewhere: Margins on floats do not work correctly.
- This property now applies to inline elements, list structures
(UL/OL/DL), and list items (LI/DT/DD.)
- This property does not apply to list items (LI/DT/DD), TABLE
or table cells (TH/TD.)
- Applying this property to SELECT or TEXTAREA elements destroys
the form field, strips out the content and floats it as specified
as plain text.
- Applying this property to OL lists changes it to a UL.
- Applying this property to OL/UL displays all markers as small
bullets (not the default size), with the default list-style-position
set to "inside" not "outside" as normal.
- This property appears to do odd things to inline elements. Difficult
to determine what is really going on, but it appears to be attempting
SOME sort of element floating.
- Netscape accepts an illegal value of "center" for this property,
floating the specified element and unmarked content before it to
the center of the page.
- Negative margins on some floated elements seem to ignore the float
specification and only apply the margin value.
- This property does not apply to list structures (OL/UL/DL), TABLE
or table cells (TH/TD.)
- Floating form elements (INPUT/SELECT) makes them disappear!
- Floating a TEXTAREA destroys it and instead displays garbage characters!
- Floating an IMG to the right causes horizontal scrollbars to
appear and the image to be placed partly off-screen.
- Floating a DT and DD to the same side places them on the same line.