Site Usage License Information
= Index DOT Html/Css by Brian Wilson =

Index DOT Html: Main Index | Element Tree | Element Index | HTML Support History
Index DOT Css: Main Index | Property Index | CSS Support History | Browser History

Usage Terms
  • Use of the Index DOT Html and Index DOT Css sites are at the users own risk. The author is not responsible or liable for any misinformation or lack of information in the sites' content or any losses that are the result thereof.
  • Ownership of the Index DOT Html/Css sites and their content shall remain with the author.
  • If used elsewhere, the copyright and license agreements pages, and existing hyperlinks to them must always remain intact.
  • Any other usages of the Index DOT Html/Css sites and their content not covered in this usage and license agreement is prohibited unless express permission is granted by the author.
Distribution Terms
  • The latest versions of the Index DOT Html and Index DOT Css sites can always be found on the author's main site (
  • The content of the sites MUST NOT be re-posted, or distributed in any medium (i.e. if you want to include the site archive on a CD accompanying a publication, with other software, or any distribution situation similar to these) without the author's explicit permission. [This point is new]
  • The Index DOT Html and Index DOT Css site archives MUST NOT be distributed as part of any larger package (such as those described above) without the author's explicit permission.
The Index DOT Html and Index DOT Css site archives are currently available for download under a 2-year, 12$US download license. This download version will always represent the latest version of the site content as it exists on the website.

Please contact the author if you have any questions regarding the site or the archive.

[ Please see also: Site Copyright Information ]