
Support Key: [CSS1|CSS2] [IE5.5B1|N6|O3.5]
= Index DOT Css by Brian Wilson =
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What Are They?
Pseudo-elements allow logical elements to be defined which are not actually in the document element tree. Logical elements allow implied semantic structure to be addressed in CSS selectors, giving more power to the CSS author. Pseudo-elements can also address generated content that is not in the source document (with the 'before' and 'after' pseudo-elements.) Pseudo-elements may only be applied to external and document-level contexts - not to in-line styles.

CSS2 notes a few syntax caveats about pseudo-elements:
Ext/Doc: [element]:[pseudo-element] { property: value }
CSS Pseudo-Elements
before [CSS2] [N6|O4]
Addresses content that occurs before an element
after [CSS2] [N6|O4]
Addresses content that occurs after an element
first-letter [CSS1|CSS2] [IE5.5B1|N6|O3.5]
Indicates the first rendered letter/character for a block-level element
first-line [CSS1|CSS2] [IE5.5B1|N6|O3.5]
Indicates the first rendered line on the output device of a block-level element

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