
Support Key: [CSS2] [IE4|N6|O3.5]

= Index DOT Css by Brian Wilson =
Main Index | Property Index | CSS Support History | Browser History

What is it?
The CSS1 specification was aimed primarily at describing the visual rendering of documents. Times and needs are changing, and the newer CSS2 specification recognized that the use of different delivery platforms and rendering devices was not only needed, but inevitable as well. In allowing for other types of rendering devices, CSS2 has created many properties and values which will only be applicable on specific media types. CSS2 solves this logistics problem by allowing style rules to be selectively applied to differing rendering devices via the @media At-Rule and the @import At-Rule.

Using this syntax, different CSS rules can be specified and applied from the same style sheet depending on whether the rendering device is the printed page, a computer screen, speech synthesizer, etc.

An @media At-Rule specifies a comma separated list of case-insensitive media types, followed by a Rule Set embedded within matching curly braces ("{", "}".) If a browser supports a media type, it should support all style properties applicable to that media type. If no @media rule is specified for a Rule Set, it is applied to all media (default media = "all".)
Media Types Specified in CSS2
(This is not a definitive list - just the list of those found in CSS2; the list may be expanded in the future.)
@media ([media] ("," [media])+ )?
   [Style Declaration Block]
@media print, screen
   blockquote { font-size: 16pt }
Browser Peculiarities

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