This property specifies the page-breaking behavior that should occur
after an element box and on what side of the page the content that
follows should resume on. Page breaks are not allowed in absolutely
positioned elements.
CSS2 "suggests" when page-breaking should occur:
Page-breaking should occur as few times as possible.
Page-breaking should be avoided inside these elements:
tables, floated elements and block elements with borders.
Pages that are not forced to break should have approximately
the same height.
Allowed Values
[CSS2] [O4]
Type: Explicit
Explicitly sets the value of this property to that of the parent.
Type: Explicit
Insert a page break after the element as necessary.
[CSS2] [O3.5]
Type: Explicit
Avoid inserting a page break after the current element box.
Type: Explicit
Description: left: Force one or two page breaks after the current
element box until a blank left page is reached. right: Force one or two page breaks after the current
element box until a blank right page is reached.
Type: Explicit
Always force a page break after the current element box.
[empty string]
Type: Explicit
No property value is used in this case. A page break is not inserted
before the current element box.
Ext/Doc: p {
page-break-after: always }
In-Line: <pSTYLE="page-break-after:
always">test text in the paragraph</p>
Before its inclusion in CSS2, this property was first proposed in the W3C
Working Draft "CSS Printing Extensions" (6/26/97,
Browser Peculiarities
Internet Explorer reference: "If there are conflicts between this property
and the page-break-before value on the previous [element box], the value
that results in the largest number of page breaks will be used."
The IE 4.0 reference material listed support for "auto",
"left" and "right" values. The IE 5.0 reference material only listed
"always" and "" (empty string) as valid, but now it says that "auto", "left"
and "right" ARE supported.
IE's documentation says that values of "left" and "right" are treated like "always."
Internet Explorer 4.0: This property has no effect on the BR element.
It does in IE 5.0.
Although Netscape 7.x now supports this property in a limited fashion, looking
at bugzilla it appears there are a few bugs (such as problems with breaking
in tables and applying the property using CSS classes.)