The 'counter-increment' property acts like an incremented
variable in a programming language - it specifies the amount to
increment the specified counter by when the current CSS selector
is encountered. The property lists one or more counter labels, each
followed by an optional increment integer value (default increment
is 1.) Negative integers and zero are also valid.
If a counter is incremented AND rendered using a single CSS selector
(with the 'content' property and 'before:'/'after:' pseudo-elements),
it should be incremented first, then rendered. If a single CSS selector
both increments and resets a counter, it is reset, then incremented.
Allowed Values
[CSS2] [O4]
Type: Explicit
Explicitly sets the value of this property to that of the parent.
[CSS2] [O4]
Type: Explicit
Suppresses incrementing counters for the current selector.
[identifier integer]
[CSS2] [O4]
Type: Explicit
Syntax: ([identifier] [integer]? )+
Specifies one or more counters and the amount to increment the counter by.