CSS Books

This page documents implementation coverage of CSS Books (CSSB), as well as changes since the the last GCPM WD published by W3C. It links to test pages and describes observed differences in implementations. This page is work-in-progress. However, the trained reader will see that many parts of the specification has been interoperably implemented.
SectionImplemen-tationsTestsChanges between latest WD and latest EDObserved differences in implementationsNext in line

Running headers and footers (CSSB) (WD)


Names strings test (AH) (PR)

Running elements test (AH) (PR)

  • removed 'contents' shorthand; no implementations
  • dropped 'env(); no implementations
  • added 'content(text)' as equvalent to 'content()' to better match before/after/first-letter values
  • change definition of 'start' keyword so that the first assignment is used if the string has not been assigned a value; this corresponds to 'first-including-carryover' in XSL-FO
  • PR does not support setting strings from pseudo-elements
  • basic support for running elements interoperable, but test case expose bugs for more advanced use

Leaders (CSSB) (WD)

AH, PR leaders test (AH) (PR)
  • removed second value of leader(); no implementations
  • PR does not support visible leaders over two lines.
Cross-references AH, PR cross-references test (CSSB) (PR)
  • PR does not support 'target-text', but 'target-content'

Footnotes (CSSB) (WD)

AH, PR footnotes test (AH) (PR)
  • removed 'target-pull'; no implementations
  • removed prose describing magic; no implementations
  • PR supports an additional property, similar to 'list-style-position':
    .footnote { 
      footnote-style-position: inside }
  • AH supports the super-decimal list style :
    ::footnote-call { 
      content: counter(footnote, super-decimal) }
Issues to be resolved:
  • how do we make footnotes appear in one column only? AH does:
    @footnote {
      float: column bottom;

Sidenotes (CSSB) (WD)

AH sidenote test (AH)

Page marks and bleed area (WD)

AH, PR marks & bleed test (AH) (PR) Moved to css3-page
  • AH supports negative leaders, PR does not
  • clarify that negative bleeding should be allowed?

Bookmarks (CSSB) (WD)

AH, PR bookmarks test (AH) (PR) The 'bookmark-target' property called into question and subsequently removed
  • AH does not support multiple arguments to bookmark-level
  • PR does not support using pseudo-elements in labels

CMYK colors (WD)

AH, PR CMYK test (AH) (PR) Moved to CSS 4 Color none none

Paged presentations

OP, OW demo moved to CSS 3 Overflow none

Page floats (WD)

AH, PR, OP, OW pagefloat top & bottom test (AH) (PR)

pagefloat & multicol test (AH) (PR)

use cases & demos

Moved to CSS Figures

Selecting columns and pages (WD)

PR Page selector test (PR) Moved to CSS Figures
AH = AntennaHouse
PR = Prince 9.0
OP = Opera with Presto rendering engine
OW = Opera with Webkit rendering engine

Another example that documents interoperability is this document, which has been formatted by AntennaHouse (AH) and Prince (PR), as discussed here.